22nd & 23rd April 2026 in Hamburg

Anja Rosen

Anja Rosen

Anja Rosen


Anja Rosen is managing director and partner of C5 GmbH, which was founded in 2022 as a consulting office for circular and certified construction in Münster. In 2023, she was appointed by Münster University of Applied Sciences as Professor for Data Driven Circular Construction to the MSA Münster School of Architecture, after teaching for two years as Honorary Professor for Circular Construction at the University of Wuppertal, where she received her PhD in 2021 with the "Urban Mining Index". Since 2013, Anja has combined her teaching and research activities with her practical work and, as comanaging director of energum, was responsible for the sustainable building division in the agn Group. Anja Rosen is a founding member of the re!Source Stiftung e.V. and is also an active member of the DGNB's Life Cycle and Circular Building Committee, advocating for a climate and resource turnaround in the construction industry. She has received several awards for her work.

Represented in the following tracks at the Construction Summit:

  • 2024 PROPTECH SUMMIT MAIN STAGE: The optimal path to sustainable construction

Anja Rosen and many more register for the Construction Summit now!